The African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR)delivered a judgement in favour of the Endorois community against Kenya. This came after a decade of advocacy both at the national and international level. Indigenous communities are at a vulnerable position compared to other sections of society. In Kenya such communities include the Borana, Endorois, Elmolo, Gabra, Ilchamus, Maasai,Pokot, Rendille, Samburu, Sengwer, Turkana and Watta. Indigenous Communities are exhibit the following characteristics in varying degrees:
1. Close attachment to ancestral land for economic, cultural and religious practices.
2. Customary and social institutions.
3. Indigenous lunguage.
4. Self-identification as a distinct cultural group.
5. Traditional knowledge and resources.
It is critical that the state,human rights organisations, members of other indigenous communities in Kenya and Africa and friends of marginalised communities work together to implement the ACHPRs recommendations.
Stephen Wandeto
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