Thursday, November 25, 2010

International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2010.

The world commemorates the International Human Rights Day on 10.12.2010. This year's theme is 'Speak up Stop Discrimination'. The various streams include: Discrimination against indigenous people, migrants, minorities, people with disability, women and religious and racial discrimination.

In Kenya the Constitution now expressly prohibits discrimination.  Human dignity, inclusiveness, equality, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalised are part of our national values under Article 10 (2) b).  Article 27 provides for the right to equal treatment and freedom from discrimination.

I believe that our greatest challenge is to apply and enforce the safeguards in the constitution, to ensure that discrimination is eradicated. We live at a time when discrimination by the state and individual citizens is rampant. It is our role to work for a society where people are treated as people, as God sees them. I am reminded that God does not love me more than my neighbour, he paid the same price for all. I believe that this is the culture we should cultivate. It may take time but we will get there if we work together.

Follow what various intentional, national and regional organisations are doing to mark this day.

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