Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The President now speaks on Public private partnerships

Further to my earlier post on Investing at Home, i wish to note that President Uhuru has spoken more firmly on the importance of Public Private Partnerships during the swearing-in ceremony for Cabinet Secretaries. First, my congratulations to the Cabinet Secretaries as they lead us to achieve the Kenyan economic and development goals.

Im particularly excited to note that the President mentioned about strenghening the legal and institutional framework. Therefore, the Cabinet will need to embrace team-work in implementing the Public Private Partnership Act No. 15 of 2013.

Here are the President's words.....

"...Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish to emphasize that Vision 2030 projects, indeed the overall growth of our economy, will be achieved within the framework of Public Private Partnership. You will be expected, therefore, to further strengthen the policy, legal and institutional framework that has been put in place for Public Private Partnerships. The aim will be to facilitate private sector participation, joint ventures and foreign direct investment in key development projects in the country, including investments in power generation, roads, railways and ports.

In addition to forging strong partnerships with the private sector, we must never lose sight of the ordinary citizens who are the customers or ultimate users and beneficiaries of public services. Our people have a duty to expect good services from public agencies, demand accountability for results from all public officers and report to the necessary offices when services are not forthcoming..."

Im excited to be a Kenyan and African. God bless us all.

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