Thursday, December 13, 2012

Balancing economic, social and political interests

Kenya’s vision 2030 has three main pillars, economic, social and political. On the economic front Kenya hopes to improve the prosperity of all Kenyans through economic growth of at least 10% annual growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Socially the country’s vision is to build a cohesive and equitable society. Lastly, politically Kenya hopes to have a democratic state based on issue based politics, rule of law, good institutional governance and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms for all Kenyans.

I am reading the vision document and was quite intrigued by the fact that we have pegged our prosperity to three main pillars. A balance of the three will therefore be critical. We can be truly prosperous if our economy grows rapidly and consistently, achieve social equity and have a stable democracy.

An institution or individual whose goal is to promote any of the three pillars should also keep a close eye on the other two pillars. For instance civil society should put the state to account on each of the three pillars. It is only by having a true balance of the three that we can ensure that every Kenyan enjoys the nation’s prosperity in a stable society.

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